I am president of the board of The Aransas Project (TAP). TAP is a non-profit designed to secure freshwater inflow for the San Antonio-Aransas Bay complex and to protect the whooping cranes and blue crabs, their principal food supply. TAP is now partnering with the Guadalupe Blanco River Authority (GBRA) to develop a long-term plan for the ecological health of these critical bay systems and to develop a habitat conservation plan for the endangered whooping crane. In the long term, TAP’s work will benefit the Aransas and Calhoun County economies as well as the ecology.
The Aransas Project is about water. From the Hill Country to the coast, our way of life depends on freshwater from the Guadalupe River Basin. The Aransas Project is an alliance of citizens, organizations, businesses, and municipalities who want responsible water management of the Guadalupe River Basing to ensure freshwater flows from the Hill Country all the way to the bays—ecosystems that support area fishing, tourism, and the winter habitat of the endangered whooping cranes.
Our Goals
Water is the lifeblood of our communities. Our long-term goals focus on protecting a treasured way of life throughout the basin and bays that depend on water. Our immediate goals seek to correct the mismanagement of the Guadalupe River Basin, especially its impact on reducing inflows to the bays and estuaries—winter habitat to the endangered whooping crane. TAP is seeking a Habitat Conservation Plan under the Endangered Species Act, including a water management plan for the Guadalupe and San Antonio Rivers that: